Creamy Swan Puffs

Creamy Swan Puffs

by Xiancao'er

4.9 (1)







Cao'er never thought that she could make the swan puffs she wanted for many years. When I saw this puff a few years ago, it felt like a beautiful piece of art. I really liked it, and I couldn't see enough.
This time I helped my niece make a birthday cake, because there was still cream at home, so I wanted to try this swan puff. Carefully bake the raw embryos, cut them one by one with a serrated knife, and put the cream on them, and put on the neck and wings, for fear that the swan will be hurt by the big action. I am really happy to see the swan made by myself. Even more happily, the young man liked it very much, and all of them were wiped out.


Creamy Swan Puffs

1. Prepare low flour and eggs.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

2. Beat the eggs and set aside.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

3. Pour the water into the milk pan, add 25 grams of sugar and sunflower oil.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

4. Bring to a simmer and turn off the heat.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

5. Pour in low flour and mix well.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

6. Turn on the fire again, and stir while heating on medium heat until a thin film appears on the bottom of the pot, then remove from the fire.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

7. Beat the eggs, pour them into the milk pan three times, stir until the batter is completely absorbed, and then add the egg liquid again.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

8. When the scooped batter falls slowly, it forms an inverted triangle.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

9. The batter is put into a piping bag with a tooth-shaped piping mouth and a thin round mouth.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

10. The thin round-mouth piping bag squeezes out the neck and head of the swan.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

11. Preheat the oven, in the middle of the oven, heat up and down at 175 degrees, and bake for 5 minutes.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

12. The toothed piping mouth extrudes the body part of the swan.
Use a watering can to spray a layer of water mist on the batter to make the batter expand better, it will not crack during baking, and the baked product will be more crispy.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

13. Preheat the oven, the middle level, the upper and lower fire 175 degrees, bake for 25 minutes.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

14. Let the baked finished product cool. Use a serrated knife to cut the upper and lower halves of the swan horizontally from the middle; the upper part is broken from the middle to form the swan wings.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

15. Pour the cream into the cooking pot and add 15 grams of sugar.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

16. Dismissed quickly.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

17. The whipped cream is stuffed into the belly of the swan.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe

18. Attach the neck, cover the wings, and adjust the shape.

Creamy Swan Puffs recipe


1. When the egg liquid is poured into the batter, pour it little by little, and stir evenly while pouring, and then add it every time the egg liquid is absorbed.
2. When the mixed batter falls slowly, it forms an inverted triangle and can be shaped and baked.
3. There is no need to spray water on the squeezed swan neck before baking, not too long, pay attention to more observation.
4. Using chocolate sauce can make the eyes of the swan more beautiful.


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