Crispy Radish Slices

Crispy Radish Slices

by Meimeijia's Kitchen

4.6 (1)







Autumn is the time to eat white radish. The price of white radish is very cheap. In winter, we basically sell it at 1 yuan or 80 yuan per catty. It is very popular among the people. Every time we buy it, it costs tens of catties.

White radish is rich in vitamin C, and vitamin C is an antioxidant that can prevent fat oxidation. As the saying goes, radishes match ginseng. My family eats radishes. They don’t stir fry or stew. My favorite is pickled radishes. It's quick and easy to mix and eat. The taste is crispy and slightly spicy. Mix a large bowl in the morning with rice porridge, steamed buns, and noodles. At noon and evening, it becomes a delicious appetizer. I stay at home every day and eat the most radishes. Every winter and spring months, I almost eat more than 100 kilograms and make 1 plate a day. Simple and affordable!
Radishes are rich in vitamins, common vitamin B and vitamin C, and carotene, which are good for the human body. In spring health care, we should pay special attention to the maintenance of our liver, because the yang qi begins to rise in spring. Therefore, you should eat more pungent and divergent foods, and eat less foods with acid harvesting effect. Among them, radish is a very good health food.
There is also a record of "radish goes on the market, the doctor is fine". The vitamin C in radish can help eliminate wastes in the body and promote the body's metabolism. Especially white radish or water radish, its rich enzymes can play a role in promoting digestion. Generally, enzymes can absorb starch in foods, and can more dissolve accumulated food in the stomach, play a good digestive effect, and prevent stomach pain and gastric ulcers.
Radish is rich in vitamin C and trace element zinc, which can help strengthen the body's immune function and improve the efficacy of disease resistance. The whole family can eat something every day!
It’s better to eat radish raw than cooked in spring. In the Spring Festival, with big fish and meat and repeated weather in spring, it is easy to catch a cold and cough. Eating raw white radish can clear away heat and diuresis, relieve heat, cough, and phlegm, and is good for preventing coughing. The effect of.
This pickled radish slices is simple and delicious. It only takes ten minutes a day to make a plate. It is refreshing and appetizing, but it is also good for those who like it.


Crispy Radish Slices

1. Clean the white radish, do not peel it, and scrape it into thin slices with a scraper. Of course, if the knife is good, you can cut it directly with a knife, but I prefer to use a scraper. The scraped pieces are thinner and tasty. , The taste is more crisp.
The skin of a whole radish is relatively wide, so use a knife to cut it from the middle.
The radishes used for cold dressing should be fresher and have sufficient moisture. When selecting, weigh them with your hands. Choose the specific gravity. It is better to weigh them heavily in your hands. If you master this one, you can avoid buying hollow radishes such as chaff-hearted radishes and chrysanthemum-shaped radishes with fleshy texture. It would be best if you could pick radishes with fresh radish tassels.

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

2. This is the radish slices that have been shaved. You don’t need to cut the parts that are not very wide at both ends. Pour them directly in. Put the slices of radish into a slightly larger container. The container is bigger for easy mixing.

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

3. Add twice as much salt than usual for cooking. Mix well with chopsticks and set aside to marinate for about 2 hours. If the temperature is relatively high, it is best to marinate in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to marinate overnight, because the slices of radish are relatively thin, and the marinated for too long will cause excessive loss of water, which will affect the taste, and the salt has penetrated in, making it easier to eat salty.

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

4. The radish slices that have been marinated for two hours are visibly soft. Use chopsticks to stir them. A lot of water will be deposited underneath. Pour out the water and try the salty taste, because everyone's taste is different. If you think the salty taste is right, just You can proceed directly to the next step. If you think it is salty, you can pour a lot of cold water to soak the radish slices. Remember to use cold water instead of raw water.

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

5. Drain the water in the radish slices thoroughly, and add the appropriate amount of chopped peppers according to your preference.

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

6. Add appropriate amount of minced ginger and garlic.

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

7. Drizzle in a little sesame oil

Crispy Radish Slices recipe

8. Add light soy sauce and mix everything well. The fresh sliced radish has a crisp taste and a delicate fragrance. It is very delicious without adding too many condiments. The radish is crispy and juicy. It is very appetizing. It's great to serve as a side dish. As long as we can buy fresh radishes, we will mix it with a big pot. My husband loves it so much!

Crispy Radish Slices recipe


The slices of radish should be as uniform as possible. It is recommended to use a peeler. If you can’t finish the sliced radish that day, you can put it in an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator for 7 days without any problem, but you should pay attention to it. If you want to eat for a few more days, you must keep it free of raw water during the whole process. After washing the radish, you must dry the surface of the water before operation. The container must be free of water. Use clean chopsticks every time you pick it up. Raw water, radish slices are good for keeping.


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