Crispy Wanton

Crispy Wanton

by Pippi bear

4.9 (1)








Crispy Wanton

1. material

Crispy Wanton recipe

2. Peel the pork and chop into puree

Crispy Wanton recipe

3. Add a teaspoon of salt, a little chicken powder, an appropriate amount of cornstarch, a tablespoon of clean water, and quickly stir in one direction for 3-5 minutes, chopped green onions, stir and stir well.

Crispy Wanton recipe

4. Take a piece of wonton wrapper in the palm of your hand, spread a little water around (moisten the wrapper for easy sealing), and put in an appropriate amount of meat puree.

Crispy Wanton recipe

5. Seal the mouth and wrap the wonton.

Crispy Wanton recipe

6. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot and heat it up on high heat.

Crispy Wanton recipe

7. After the oil has boiled, adjust to medium-to-low heat and put in wontons.

Crispy Wanton recipe

8. Pay attention to the heat, use chopsticks to flip it from time to time to make it evenly colored (the place where the meat is wrapped at the bottom needs to be fried for a while).

Crispy Wanton recipe


Pork must be fresh to be delicious, it is as delicious as simple seasoning.

When frying, pay attention to the heat, medium and small fire, the skin of the wonton is thin and easy to paste.


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