Donkey Meat on Fire

Donkey Meat on Fire

by Epoch Jamie 3511912325

4.8 (1)







Donkey meat burning seems to be a local snack, learn to make it.


Donkey Meat on Fire

1. Milk baking powder, flour, powdered sugar and noodles.

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

2. Ferment for about 1 hour

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

3. Heat corn oil, add thirteen incense, salt, and flour to make shortbread.

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

4. Divide the dough into several portions

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

5. Roll the skin

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

6. Spread the pastry on the crust

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

7. Wrap it like a bun and press it into a cake

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

8. Cover with plastic wrap and proof again for about 10 minutes

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

9. Prepare donkey meat in sauce

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

10. Chop the donkey meat, chop the shallots, and parsley, mix well.

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

11. Heat a non-stick pan and brush with a little corn oil, and put in the dough.

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

12. Slowly burned

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

13. Seared until golden on both sides

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

14. Open the pie and put the donkey meat

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe

15. Put it on the plate, and the donkey meat is ready to burn. A person can eat at least 3 Yo!

Donkey Meat on Fire recipe


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