Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork

by Shredded Potato Burrito

4.6 (1)







Many people use white radish to make dumplings improperly, which affects the taste. Radishes absorb oil, so it’s best to make radish dumplings with meat filling, and pork can synthesize the smell of white radish. You must also master the tricks when you are filling it. If you do it right, it will be delicious.

Today I made dumplings stuffed with white radish and pork. I have no appetite these days, but this dumpling has made the whole family enjoy it.

Let's take a look at my dumpling recipe now, remember the tips for mixing stuffing, try it and you will love it.


Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork

1. Knead the dough first, mix the flour with warm water to form a smooth dough, first make it into a simple dough, and knead after about 10 minutes, so that the dough will be smooth after kneading three times. The ratio of flour to water is 2:1.

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

2. Chop pork into mashed meat and add chopped green onions

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

3. Add oyster sauce, cooking wine, pepper, cooking oil and salt

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

4. Stir evenly in one direction

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

5. Rub white radish into thin strips, mix well with a little salt and pickle it. Kill some water

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

6. Squeeze the shredded radish slightly and chop a few simple knives

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

7. Put the shredded radish into the meat and mix briefly, then add 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and mix well. Don’t omit this sesame oil. Use some sesame oil for the radish filling to enhance the flavor.

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe

8. The noodles are good for making small noodles, the boiled dumplings should not be too big, roll the cakes

Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe


Dumplings Stuffed with White Radish and Pork recipe


When cooking the dumplings, boil the dumplings under the water and bring them to the boil. After half a minute, pour in about a small bowl of cold water and boil. Repeat this process three times. When you see the dumplings floating up and bulging, they will be cooked.

When the radish stuffed dumplings start with the meat filling, put the oil normally, and then put some sesame oil when putting the shredded radish later, this filling is very flavorful.


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