Fried Green Peppers in Oil

Fried Green Peppers in Oil

by Le Shi Ji

4.7 (1)







Green peppers are the most conventional vegetables, but the content of vitamin C is the highest in vegetables. Green peppers are also a versatile dish. You can put some in any dish, and the taste of those dishes will be added a lot by the addition of green peppers. And the chili fried by this simple method is very delicious, not as a side dish of any dish, it is more fragrant than eating meat. "


Fried Green Peppers in Oil

1. After buying the green peppers, remove the stalks, remove the seeds, tear off the albuginea inside, and clean them.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

2. Tear the cleaned green pepper into small pieces.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

3. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, and add green peppers torn into small pieces when 60 to 70% of the heat is hot.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

4. Stir fry until the skin of the green pepper is wrinkled and soft, add a little salt and stir well.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

5. Add another spoonful of light soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

6. When the green peppers start to soften and produce a little water, add appropriate amount of sugar to season and stir evenly, then turn off the heat.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

7. Spicy, delicious and delicious fried green peppers.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe

8. Simple and easy to make, it tastes better than meat.

Fried Green Peppers in Oil recipe


During the stir-frying process, do not turn on the heat too much, otherwise it will be easy to burn.


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