Fried Instant Noodles

Fried Instant Noodles

by Confused Ashan

4.7 (1)







Every time I eat instant noodles, it is very monotonous. Today, Ah Shan brings you a convenient and unusual way. This time we use fried instant noodles.


Fried Instant Noodles

1. 1. Preparation materials: braised beef noodles, ham, hot peppers, tomatoes

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

2. 2. Peeled and sliced ham, sliced pepper, sliced tomato

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

3. 3. Put the noodles in a bowl and soak in boiling water for one minute

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

4. 4. Put the seasoning bag into the bowl, add a small amount of water and stir evenly

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

5. 5. Fry an egg in the pan

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

6. 6. Put the egg out, put in the ham, and fry it

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

7. 7. Control the water face-to-face

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

8. 8. Add peppers, tomatoes and noodles when the ham is fried

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

9. 9. Add seasoning, a little salt and a little soy sauce

Fried Instant Noodles recipe

10. 10. Stir evenly out of the pot

Fried Instant Noodles recipe


Don't soak the noodles for too long, there is no elasticity.


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