Hand Grab Ribs

Hand Grab Ribs

by Yuxin Xinxin

4.9 (1)







Grab and eat delicious ribs with your hands. The atmosphere is refreshing. There is a touch of barbecue smell. Very delicious. You can use the oven to bake, or you can use a pan to fry. Today, for the convenience of many friends who don’t have an oven, I used the method of frying. "


Hand Grab Ribs

1. Soak the pork ribs in bleeding water and wash them repeatedly. The ribs need to be chopped into long strips. Add salt and soy sauce. Light soy sauce, soy sauce. Barbecue sauce.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

2. Add scallions, pepper and ginger slices. The longer the ribs are evenly marinated, the better the taste. I marinated this for four hours. Pay attention to turning over halfway to make it more flavorful.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

3. The ratio of starch and crispy fried chicken powder is two to one. Add some five-spice powder inside and stir evenly.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

4. Marinated ribs. Carefully remove the pepper and green onions. Coat it thickly with this dry powder. Don't be anxious to wrap it up piece by piece.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

5. Pour oil in the pan. I've been to the boneless pork ribs. We dipped the ribs piece by piece evenly with dry powder. Turn to minimum fire when the oil temperature rises. Put in the ribs one by one for frying

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

6. Sitting on a small bench in front of the pot and slowly fry it, because it is the lowest fire, we don't have to worry about it going to mash. This will probably take 20 to 30 minutes to fry. Find a piece of ribs, and use chopsticks to poke the thickest part.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

7. Let the ribs cool in oil.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

8. Put oil-absorbing paper and lettuce in the tableware.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe

9. Place the ribs carefully. Sprinkle some white sesame seeds, barbecue powder and cumin powder according to personal taste. When eating, put on disposable gloves and hold it in your hand. It is delicious. This is not very classy.

Hand Grab Ribs recipe


Don't blanch the pork ribs if you want to make it tender. It can be adjusted according to personal taste when marinating. To eat chili sprinkled noodles. The ribs must be cut into long strips. It looks good, and it is convenient to grasp it with your hands.


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