Jade White Jade Fried Bun

Jade White Jade Fried Bun

by Moonlight's small kitchen

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I like colorful and nutritious delicacies. Today, I used spinach juice to make jade white jade pan-fried buns for my family. The pan-fried buns were fried to golden brown at the bottom and sprinkled with sesame seeds and chives. It smells fragrant, take a bite of the soup, the dough is soft, the meat is fresh and tender, and there is a sesame and green onion fragrance when you chew. It is best to eat it hot...

Jade White Jade Fried Bun

1. First, wash the spinach leaves and put them in a food processor, add 2 grams of salt and an appropriate amount of water, squeeze the spinach juice and filter out for use.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

2. Prepare all the ingredients, weigh the flour and spinach juice for later use.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

3. Add the weighed 100 grams of flour and 50 grams of spinach juice to the bread bucket, then add 10 grams of double-carbon sugar and 1 gram of yeast.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

4. After adding the yeast, start the dough mixing program of the bread machine.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

5. Put the mixed spinach dough into a basin, and in the same way, add the remaining 100 grams of flour, 50 grams of water, 1 gram of yeast and 10 grams of sweet juice garden double-carbon white sugar into the bread machine and make it into a white dough. The pieces of dough are respectively rounded and proofed.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

6. Put the pork filling in a larger container.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

7. First add chicken essence, cooking wine, light soy sauce, bean paste, and pepper powder, stir well and then add chopped green onion and ginger.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

8. Just mix all the ingredients evenly.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

9. The dough structure after proofing is in a honeycomb state.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

10. After venting and kneading the dough of the two colors separately.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

11. Knead the two kneaded dough into long strips.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

12. Roll out one of the green dough into a rectangular slice, and put the other white dough on top.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

13. Then wrap the green dough around the white strip and pinch the edges with your hands.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

14. Use a knife to cut into uniform sizes.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

15. Flatten the agent and roll out the skin.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

16. Add the prepared fillings to the rolled dough.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

17. Pinch the pleats to close the mouth and wrap them into a round bun.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

18. After making all the buns in turn.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

19. Dip a little cooking oil with a brush in the pot, smear the bottom of the pot, and put the buns in the pot after it is hot.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

20. After seeing the buns set underneath, use a little starch and flour to mix with water and pour it into the pot.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

21. Cover the pan over medium heat and fry slowly over medium heat.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

22. Open the lid and keep seeing the soup dry.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

23. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and black and white sesame seeds before serving.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe

24. The jade and white jade pan-fried buns with bursting looks and delicious finishes perfectly.

Jade White Jade Fried Bun recipe


1. The dough of the pan-fried bun does not need to be fermented too much, because the dough will continue to ferment while being heated in the pan. 2. The meat filling is adjusted according to your own taste. If there is a pig skin jelly, add the pig skin jelly, and the fried soup will be more delicious.


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