Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini

by Flower fish

4.7 (1)








Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini

1. Ingredients: Zucchini (cleaned and cut into slices), soy protein (soaked soft), Kaiyang

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

2. Soak Kaiyang in hot water and set aside.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

3. Pour the oil in the pot to heat, add the soaked soy protein and the soaked Kaiyang, stir fry.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

4. Next, add the zucchini and stir fry until cooked.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

5. Then, add the right amount of soy sauce.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

6. Add the right amount of sugar.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

7. Add the right amount of salt.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

8. Saute and stir well, serve.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe

9. Take out the pan and serve.

Kaiyang Soy Protein Fried Zucchini recipe


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