Lamb Wontons

Lamb Wontons

by Minger Kitchen

4.6 (1)







Although the beginning of autumn has already started, but because of the rain every day, the air humidity is abnormally high, and the sun nods slightly, and it feels sultry and sultry. How do you feel that the beginning of autumn is getting hotter? My second treasure is a greedy cat. Every night before going to bed, he asks: Mom, what do you have for breakfast tomorrow? Anyone who knows about my family knows that my second treasure loves to eat stuffed pasta, whether it is steamed buns, dumplings or wontons, they are his favorites. Niangliang’s breakfast is very simple, and eating wontons can be done in just ten minutes. I woke up ten minutes early this morning, and the two bowls of lamb wontons were served. The child is satisfied with the food. I believe that the child will be full of energy during a day of study and entertainment.

Lamb Wontons

1. Lamb is cleaned and chopped into puree. We make dumplings with granular meat fillings that taste good, but the meat fillings used for making wontons should be finely chopped, and the taste is better with a meat grinder.

Lamb Wontons recipe

2. Adjust the meat filling, add appropriate amount of oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce to the mutton filling, and stir evenly with a spoonful of starch. If you want the meat filling to be delicate, tender and elastic, the starch must be indispensable, so that the mixed meat filling is delicious whether it is dumplings, buns or wontons.

Lamb Wontons recipe

3. Add the chopped green onion, ginger and chopped onion and mix well, and the wonton filling is ready.

Lamb Wontons recipe

4. Wrap all the wontons in the way you are best at wrapping wontons.

Lamb Wontons recipe

5. To cook the wontons, pour enough water into the pot, and add the wontons after boiling.

Lamb Wontons recipe

6. Put chopped coriander, salt, oyster sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and chili oil in a large bowl. After the wontons are cooked, scoop the soup and wontons into the bowl and serve!

Lamb Wontons recipe


Minger's summary: 1 The granular meat filling tastes good when making dumplings, but the meat filling used for filling wontons should be finely chopped, and the taste is better with a meat grinder.

2 If you want the wonton filling to be delicate, tender and elastic, starch must be indispensable.

3 You can make the sauce in a large bowl according to your family's taste, and you can also add seaweed or shrimp skin, which tastes good.


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