Layers of Taro Crisp

Layers of Taro Crisp

by He Xiaohe

4.8 (1)







A few days ago, I bought 5 large taro, said to be fragrant taro. The Lipu taro imported from Guangxi has been improved and the quality is better. .
When I bought it, I quickly steamed one and ate it. There was no fiber at all, and the flour was super delicious. As a result, I set off and returned to my hometown the next day. The remaining four were left there. There was heating in the house. When I came back a week later, two of the taro had already been rotten. It really hurts, such a good thing. Hurry up and make the remaining unspoiled taro meat, and then there are 2 taro, which are all steamed and made into taro paste filling.
I used to fry red bean paste, and it really took a long time to fry, but this time I used taro to fry it quickly, because the water in the taro is basically not much after steaming. I added milk and butter and it was done in 10 minutes. Be sure to use a non-stick pan.
I melted some lard on my own and made taro crisps. The layers look great, and the scum will drop when touched. I don't make many Chinese pastries, because I have to roll them and stand for a long time. But fortunately, the taro cake was very successful this time, and it was comforting.


Layers of Taro Crisp

1. The steamed taro is ground into a puree. The taro has no fiber and is easily ground into a puree. Add appropriate amount of butter, milk and sugar, and stir-fry in a non-stick pan.

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

2. You can taste the taste during the frying process, and then add sugar according to your own taste. As long as there is no water to form a mass, I didn't give a specific amount. I also added it while frying. The fried taro fillings must be in a non-stick pan. I fry for about 10 minutes

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

3. The ingredients of the oil skin: 215 grams of medium powder, 75 grams of lard, 35 grams of sugar, 85 grams of water.
Put all the ingredients into the bread machine and stir for 20 minutes, then the film can be pulled out. The oily crust must be kneaded to the fully expanded state to avoid leakage

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

4. Put the pastry materials together and knead it into a ball. Let it stand for a while. It is recommended to wear disposable gloves during operation, otherwise the hands will be sticky.

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

5. The oil skin and shortbread are all evenly divided into 12 portions

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

6. Wrap the shortbread into the oily skin and close it with a tiger's mouth method

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

7. Wrap all the pastry into the crust

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

8. Press down from the middle to the 2 ends, roll it into a beef tongue shape, and then roll it up. After all the rolls are rolled up, cover with plastic wrap and proof it for 20 minutes. Be sure to proof it fully, otherwise the crisping effect will not

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

9. Roll it out again, and make it as thin as possible, the thinner, the more layers of the finished product, after rolling it out, roll it up

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

10. Roll out all of them, roll them up again, cover with plastic wrap and proof for 20 minutes, wait for the taro paste filling to be processed while proofing

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

11. The fried taro mash has been let cool at this time. Divide into 20 grams each and knead into round balls for later use.

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

12. After proofing, cut the curl into two halves from the middle, you must use a sharp knife to cut it, so that the layers will be distinct. Remember to put something underneath when cutting, otherwise the mat will be cut

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

13. Flatten the incision upward

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

14. Roll it into a thick middle and thin edges, otherwise the bottom will be too thick after closing

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

15. Turn it over, wrap it with taro paste filling, and still wrap it with the tiger's mouth method. The wrapped raw embryo can faintly see the layering

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

16. All wrapped, just a baking tray

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe

17. Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes. The surface will be slightly colored. During the baking process, the puff pastry blooms in layers, which is really amazing. The finished product will drop slag as soon as it is touched, so be sure to handle it gently

Layers of Taro Crisp recipe


1. Be sure to rub the oily skin out of the film;
2. Full proofing;
3. When you roll it out for the second time, it should be wider so that it won't leak;
4. Do more and you will be successful.


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