Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup

by Duoyun 3602

4.7 (1)







This is a Cantonese-style homemade boiling soup. It is convenient and quick to make, and it tastes very refreshing. It has a good effect of clearing heat and reducing fire. Nowadays, many people often stay up late and drink more light vegetable soup which is good for health.


Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup

1. Prepare all ingredients

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

2. Wash the mustard greens and soak them in light salt water for a few minutes, then cut into long sections, and separate the leaves and stems

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

3. Slice shallot and ginger

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

4. Put the shallots and sliced ginger in a hot oil pan and stir fragrant

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

5. Remove the scallion, ginger and oil from the soup pot, add an appropriate amount to a boil over high heat, add mustard stalks and cook for 2 minutes

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

6. Beat two salted eggs into the pot and cook for another 2 minutes

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

7. Add the mustard leaves to the pot

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe

8. Add some salt and chicken essence and cook until the leaves are soft

Mustard Green Salted Egg Soup recipe


1. Mustard greens are best to choose small ones, which are soft and tender when cooked. Large trees will have excess fiber;
2. Finally, taste whether it is salty enough before adding salt as appropriate;
3. The soup does not need to be boiled for too long. After the water is boiled, keep it on high heat and just cook the ingredients.


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