

by Depelec

4.7 (1)







Nougat generally refers to candies made from roasted nuts and honey, which are divided into two types: soft and hard. The soft one is white nougat made from egg whites, the hard one is coffee-colored, and the hard one is made from caramel. Traditional nougat is mainly produced in Spain, and the ingredients are mainly roasted almonds, followed by honey and egg whites. Nougat is also produced in other places such as Australia, and the ingredients and taste are also more varied. "



1. First, boil the sugar water, pour the water and water syrup into the milk pot

Nougat recipe

2. 2. Add 360g granulated sugar, boil on medium heat until the sugar water is 145 degrees

Nougat recipe

3. 3. While boiling the sugar water, add salt to the egg whites, add sugar in portions, and beat until hard foaming.

Nougat recipe

4. 4. Slowly add the cooked sugar water to the beaten meringue, and use a whisk to quickly stir evenly.

Nougat recipe

5. 5. Add butter and mix well.

Nougat recipe

6. 6. Add milk powder and continue to stir evenly.

Nougat recipe

7. Pour the sauce onto the peanuts, knead quickly and mix well.

Nougat recipe

8. Shape the mixed sugar into a rectangular shape, let it cool to room temperature, and cut it into cubes.

Nougat recipe

9. Delicious

Nougat recipe


1. If you buy raw peanuts with skins, use the oven at 200 degrees in advance and bake for about 8 minutes.
2. Peanuts will have oil on the roasted surface, so be careful not to over roast them. Roasted peanuts will peel off when rubbed.
3. Pay attention when boiling the sugar water, stir it in time to spread the internal temperature, so that the measured temperature is more accurate.
4. The water syrup can be replaced with maltose. Maltose has a color, so the nougat made will not be so white.


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