Pimple Noodle Soup

Pimple Noodle Soup

by Lingjiuer

4.9 (1)







I happened to see someone else making it and I was very appetite. I tried it myself. The gnocchi soup was originally salty and umami. Because I like to eat sour, I put a lot of tomatoes, and carrots and potatoes are sweet. Sweet and sour, very suitable for children who don’t like to eat


Pimple Noodle Soup

1. Knead the noodles, wash and dice vegetables

Pimple Noodle Soup recipe

2. Add oil in a hot pan, add diced tomatoes and fry into tomato puree, pour in diced carrots and diced potatoes, stir fry for one minute, pour in a teaspoon of soy sauce, two teaspoons of natural freshness, continue to stir fry for another minute, add appropriate amount of water Post-cook

Pimple Noodle Soup recipe

3. Roll the dough into noodles, cut into long strips, stretch them, and tear them into nearly long noodles, put them in a pot and boil, add appropriate amount of salt to season them, then they will be out

Pimple Noodle Soup recipe


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