Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli

by 18LS28xgl Scattered

4.6 (1)







Vermicelli is a kind of high-quality and inexpensive food, and it is also quite nutritious. Vermicelli is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals. Because vermicelli has good adsorption, it can absorb the flavor of delicious soup. The vermicelli that is full of soup is soft and tender, delicious and super delicious~~That’s why this [pork pork stewed vermicelli] is so delicious~~ I like friends, give it a try~~O( ∩_∩)O~~


Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli

1. Soak the vermicelli in advance to soften;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

2. Wash pork belly and cut into mahjong pieces;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

3. Prepare seasonings: sliced ginger, green onion, garlic cloves, dried chili, pepper, star anise, bay leaf, fennel, white ko, rock sugar;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

4. Place the frying pan on the fire, add an appropriate amount of corn oil; add rock sugar and fry until the rock sugar melts;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

5. After frying the sugar color, add pork belly and stir fry for color, pour in cooking wine, stir fry evenly; add sliced ginger, green onion, garlic cloves, dried chili, pepper, star anise, bay leaves, cumin, white kou; continue to stir Stir evenly

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

6. Remove the ingredients, add Pixian bean paste and stir fry until fragrant;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

7. Mix the ingredients with the Pixian bean paste and stir-fry evenly;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

8. Pour in the light soy sauce, braised soy sauce, and continue to stir-fry evenly;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

9. Pour the ingredients into the stewing pot, and pour an appropriate amount of boiling water;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

10. Cover, bring to a boil over medium heat, turn to low heat and simmer until the pork belly is soft and rotten;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

11. Add the vermicelli and simmer until cooked, then turn off the heat;

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe

12. [Pork belly stewed vermicelli] is ready.

Pork Belly Stewed Vermicelli recipe


1. The seasoning can be adjusted according to personal taste;
2. Light soy sauce, braised soy sauce, and Pixian bean paste all have a salty taste. Finally, you can taste the taste before considering whether to add salt;


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