Reduced Fat Chicken Salad

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad

by Calf2013

4.9 (1)







There are a lot of fruits for salads, but few meats. But it's really delicious. One plate is not enough to eat too much with the little girl, and we have to buy chicken from the market and make it again! good to eat! good to eat!


Reduced Fat Chicken Salad

1. Prepare the ingredients

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

2. Wash the drumsticks, remove the bones and skin

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

3. Cut chicken thighs into small pieces

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

4. Chicken cubes: oyster sauce, corn starch, pepper, salt, peanut oil, cooking wine, light soy sauce seasoning, mix well, marinate for 1 hour

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

5. Wash the lettuce and drain the water

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

6. Cut lettuce into small pieces

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

7. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut into small pieces

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

8. Heat the pan, add the chicken and fry until cooked, serve

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

9. Put the lettuce, chicken, and holy fruit in a container

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

10. Put on the salad dressing

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

11. Squeeze lemon juice

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe

12. Just mix all the seasonings evenly

Reduced Fat Chicken Salad recipe


Squeeze lemon juice to make the salad fresher and more delicious


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