Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice

by Little sea star

4.6 (1)







The rice cooker stews the rice. It tastes good and the method is super simple. Put all the ingredients in the rice cooker, press the cooking button, and wait for the rice to start! Delicious, easy and trouble-free, and 0 failures. It's a must-have recipe for lazy people and dormitory parties~ When you are lazy, let's have a pot of stew! The edamame is crispy, the potatoes are soft and glutinous, and the rice grains are fragrant. I think you will not be able to resist the charm of this bowl of braised rice! This recipe was first published on the public account "Rice Cooker Food Recipe" If you like it, please pay attention! Come and make rice cooker food together~

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice

1. Ingredients preparation

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

2. Wash the chicken breast and cut into pieces, add ginger, cooking wine, light soy sauce, pepper, salt, oil, and starch to marinate (the marinade depends on your mood, don’t overdo it)

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

3. Wash the rice and put it in a rice cooker with a little less water than usual.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

4. Put the washed and cut potatoes, carrots, eryngii mushrooms, and edamame into the pot.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

5. Put the marinated chicken breast into the pot, cover the pot, select the cooking mode, and start cooking.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

6. Mix a bowl of sauce: 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of water, a little salt, a little sugar and chopped millet pepper.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

7. It's almost done, beat an egg in, simmer for about 5 minutes, and then pour the sauce on it.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

8. Stir well, add the chopped green onion, and then stir well.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe

9. carry out! Put it into a bowl.

Rice Cooker Food | Chicken Breast Braised Rice recipe


1. Chicken breast can be replaced with chicken legs, chicken wings, ribs, pork belly, shrimp, lamb, beef, sausage and so on! \n\n2. Dishes can be matched according to your preferences: green beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, beans, eggplants, corn, onions, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, eryngii mushrooms, various mushrooms, etc. Random match


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