Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs


4.8 (1)







The outside is charred and the inside is tender, and the taste is rich"


Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs

1. Wash the ribs, drain and set aside

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

2. Add ginger, minced garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, and a spoonful of kelp powder in turn

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

3. Add a tablespoon of sweet potato powder

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

4. Stir

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

5. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate for 20 to 30 minutes

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

6. Fry in the frying pan and control the medium heat. One minute after cooking, turn over the ribs

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

7. After being fried into golden brown, serve it on the plate

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

8. Sprinkle with salt and pepper according to your preference

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

9. It's done, hurry up and eat

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe

10. Take a look, the CD will be ready in a while

Salt and Pepper Kombu Ribs recipe


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