Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers

by vidazhou

4.7 (1)








Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers

1. The main raw materials are 6 green peppers and 3 eggs.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

2. Wash the green peppers and remove the seeds for later use.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

3. Cut the green pepper into thin filaments. (Green peppers can also be cut into small pieces, this can be according to personal preference)

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

4. Beat the eggs into the bowl.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

5. When beating the eggs, you can add a little ginger to remove the fishy smell of the eggs. Personally, I feel pretty good.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

6. Add a little oil to the pot and pour the beaten eggs when the oil is hot.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

7. The eggs can be cooked out of the pot when they are fried in this way.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

8. Pour a little more oil in the pan, add shredded green pepper and stir fry when the oil is hot.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

9. After stirring a few times, remember to pour the light soy sauce. The amount can be about 3 tablespoons more than the spoon, add thirteen spices and a little salt, and stir until 8 is ripe.

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

10. Stir-fry the green peppers until 8 mature, pour in the scrambled eggs, stir fry two or three times to get out of the pot. (Eggs should not be poured in too early, 1 because the eggs themselves are already cooked, and 2 because the eggs are very easy to taste. If they are added too early, the salty taste will be absorbed into the eggs and the taste of the eggs will be too strong).

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe

11. Enjoy the delicious scrambled eggs with green peppers. The appearance is average but the taste is very good!

Scrambled Eggs with Green Peppers recipe


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