Southern Hot Pepper Eggs

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs

by captain Wang Yulun

4.7 (1)







[Chili and Egg] is my favorite one of the dishes my mother often cooks. This is the practice of her hometown in Jiangsu. The cooking method can be understood as "frying" instead of our common "scrambled eggs with hot peppers". After the dish comes out of the pan, it is a piece of omelet, not a broken egg.
The southern version of [Scrambled Eggs with Hot Peppers] has a different taste from "Scrambled Eggs with Hot Peppers": the eggs do not need to be beaten in advance. This "unevenness" will not affect the texture and taste, but is the key to deliciousness .
If you think this dish is "easy", then you are very wrong. This dish needs to "change the fire" many times during the cooking process. If you don't change the fire in a timely manner, it must not have the best taste of this dish.
This time, it was my mother’s demonstration~ I made the [Chili Eggs] I always felt that it was not as delicious as hers~!


Southern Hot Pepper Eggs

1. Prepare all the ingredients. Wash the hot peppers and slightly flatten them; wash the eggs

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

2. Flatten the hot pepper and cut into circles

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

3. Don’t use too much force when squashing the peppers to avoid crushing the peppers and making it impossible to cut into circles.

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

4. Sliced pepper rings

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

5. Heat the pot on high heat, pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into the pot, and the amount of oil should not be too small. Turn the pot around to get oil all around

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

6. Change to low heat and pour into sharp pepper rings

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

7. Sprinkle in 1 teaspoon salt

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

8. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon sugar

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

9. Stir-fry evenly, press the bell pepper ring with a spatula to soften it

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

10. Beat in 3 eggs

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

11. Poke the egg yolk, shake the pot, let the egg yolk liquid cover the pepper ring, but don’t run too much

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

12. Change to medium heat, raise the wok and rotate it on the fire, so that the eggs are evenly heated

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

13. After the egg liquid is basically solidified, use a spatula to gently tilt around to see if the egg liquid on the bottom surface has all solidified

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

14. After confirming that the bottom egg is solidified, turn it over and change to low heat

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

15. Raise the pan gently again, and rotate it on the fire, so that the egg liquid on the bottom is evenly heated

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

16. After the bottom egg is solidified, use a spatula to poke the egg into four large pieces

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

17. Take 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce. If you don’t have light soy sauce, use the best soy sauce in your house

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe

18. Sprinkle the light soy sauce evenly on the peppers and eggs, turn off the heat and take out

Southern Hot Pepper Eggs recipe


The heat control of this dish is very important. It can’t keep on high fire like stir-frying. It’s easy to grill the pan and burnt. Keeping low fire not only slows down, but also affects the taste of hot peppers. So be sure to follow the recipe and change the fire in a timely manner~!


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