Spicy Clam

Spicy Clam

by 18LS28xgl Scattered

4.7 (1)







I don't often eat seafood at my family, but I like seafood very much. The seafood market is too far from my home, and it is not easy to buy fresh seafood. But this weekend, Mr. Zhong and I went to the seafood market on purpose and bought some clams that I like. In other words, the seafood market is really good, with many varieties, fresh ingredients and low prices. The only regret is that it is too far away from my home~/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
The clam has tender meat, delicious taste, rich nutrition, good quality and low price, high protein content, and reasonable amino acid composition and ratio. The fat content is low and the unsaturated fatty acid is high, so it is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Clam also contains various vitamins and medicinal ingredients, including calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other trace elements necessary for the human body. It is the legendary nutritious food and green food~O(∩_∩)O~


Spicy Clam

1. Prepare ingredients: clams;

Spicy Clam recipe

2. Add appropriate amount of salt and sesame oil in the water, add the clams and soak for 30 minutes; during this time, chopsticks can be used to fluctuate back and forth to make the clams spit sand faster;

Spicy Clam recipe

3. When soaking clams, prepare the ingredients: shred old ginger; shred celery stalk; shred celery leaf; slice garlic; slice spicy millet into circles; cut scallion into sections, mince scallion;

Spicy Clam recipe

4. Pour out the water and rinse the clams for later use;

Spicy Clam recipe

5. Pour water in a boiling pot and bring to a boil, put in the clams, cover and cook for 1 minute;

Spicy Clam recipe

6. Take out the clams and rinse them twice;

Spicy Clam recipe

7. Pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into the Taji pot;

Spicy Clam recipe

8. Add shredded ginger, garlic slices, white onion segments, and a portion of millet and stir fry until fragrant;

Spicy Clam recipe

9. Add celery stalks and clams;

Spicy Clam recipe

10. Add appropriate amount of light soy sauce, high white wine, and oyster sauce, and stir evenly;

Spicy Clam recipe

11. Cover, cook for 5 minutes on medium heat and 3 minutes on low heat;

Spicy Clam recipe

12. Add water starch and mix quickly (water starch: mix dry starch with proper amount of water and mix well);

Spicy Clam recipe

13. Add celery leaves, the remaining millet is spicy; cover, turn off the heat and simmer for 1 minute;

Spicy Clam recipe

14. Sprinkle the green onion, start the pot, and the 【spicy clam】is ready.

Spicy Clam recipe


1. Soak the clams in salt and sesame oil for 30 minutes to spit sand; boil them in boiling water for 1 minute to spit sand; the clams have a better taste after treatment;
2. The clams are cold in nature, so ginger, shallot and garlic are indispensable when cooking;
3. The seasoning can be adjusted according to personal taste;
4. Light soy sauce and oyster sauce have a salty taste, so no salt should be added at the end; in order to keep the clam meat tender and delicious, it is not advisable to add more salt, let alone MSG, so as to avoid the loss of the savory taste;
5. The Taji pot does not have water, and there is no need to put water;


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