Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns

by Donger's mother

4.7 (1)







Nutritious and delicious


Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns

1. The celery and rutabaga are blanched and chopped, and mixed with dried shrimp skin and chopped green onion.

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

2. Put in soy sauce and MSG

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

3. Add corn oil and salt

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

4. Just mix evenly

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

5. Make a good face

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

6. Roll skin stuffing

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

7. Wake up for 10 minutes

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

8. Put it in a pot and steam for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe

9. Soft and delicious

Steamed Noodles Stuffed Buns recipe


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