Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock

by Cup of tea

4.7 (1)







The day before yesterday, my friend returned to his hometown and brought 4 farm chickens for my children to eat. I got it at the market this morning and asked someone to clean it up, and I fried it at night.
This dish is a good aid for 11 and 12-year-old girls to grow their bodies. You can also use small roosters, small hens (have not yet laid eggs) and stew four things), and small boys aged 13-18 use roosters (hens). ) Stewed Tianqi, grow taller."


Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock

1. A farm rooster is about 2 catties

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

2. 2. Clean up the young cock, cut off the water and dry it, and shred the old ginger.

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

3. 3. Clean the young cock and cut into pieces, shred old ginger, 3 garlic, 8 dried chilies, sesame oil, rice wine, salt, white sugar, dark soy sauce.

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

4. 4. Pour sesame oil in the pot to heat up, add shredded ginger and stir fry until fragrant

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

5. 5. Pour the cock and stir fry a few times

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

6. 6. Pour in the dark soy sauce, garlic and dried chili and stir fry together

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

7. 7. Put in white sugar, white salt, add rice wine, and simmer for 5 minutes.

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

8. 8. Fried ginger with a small farm cock

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe

9. 9. A nutritious meal for children.

Stir-fried Ginger with Small Farm Cock recipe


When 11 or 12-year-old girls are growing their bodies, it is very useful to eat small farm cock fried old ginger, and drink small hen stewed Siwu soup (do it next time). Boys 13-18 years old drink cock stewed Tianqi to grow taller.


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