Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin

by Epoch Jamie 3511912325

4.7 (1)







Cumin has a unique taste and is delicious as an ingredient.


Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin

1. Prepare coriander, lettuce, cabbage, and oyster mushrooms and wash.

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

2. Carrot shredded

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

3. Beef slices

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

4. Add the pork slices in a hot pan and stir fry

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

5. Add cumin and stir fry with cooking wine.

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

6. Add vegetables and a little soy sauce.

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

7. Add carrots and stir fry, add a little chili noodles, salt chicken essence and cook.

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe

8. In a bowl, it is nutritious and delicious.

Stir-fried Lettuce with Cumin recipe


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