Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First?

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First?

by Eat up

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As a homemade stir-fry, dried celery has a high serving rate, but the texture and taste of this dish is not satisfactory for many people. So how to stir-fry this dish to taste delicious, come and learn.


Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First?

1. After the fragrant dried slices, cut into strips, wash the celery, remove the leaves and cut into sections; chop the millet spicy and smash the garlic.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe

2. Boil water in a pot. After the water is boiled, pour the celery into blanching water for 30 seconds. Add appropriate amount of salt and oil to maintain the emerald green color of celery.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe

3. Put oil in the pan, pour the fragrant dry and stir fry.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe

4. Stir-fry until the fragrant dry skin blisters and serve.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe

5. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, pour the spicy millet and garlic and saute until fragrant.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe

6. Add celery and fragrant dried, stir fry, add light soy sauce, salt and sugar, stir fry for a good taste, add a thin layer of glutinous rice, and finally sprinkle some water, stir fry a few times to get out of the pot.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe

7. Celery is crispy and tender, wrapped in fragrant dried beans, especially for rice.

Stir-fry Celery for Fragrant and Dry, Should We Fry Celery First or Fry for Fragrant Dry First? recipe


Remove the leaves of celery, and the leaves can be used for cold dressing or pancakes; celery should be blanched for 30 seconds. Don’t blanch for too long. The celery is crispy and tender. Sprinkle water before serving to prevent the celery from drying out, and the taste and color are very good. .


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