Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice

by Squirrelfish 77

4.7 (1)







Stuffed tomatoes with multi-grain rice is a simple and nutritious delicacy. Oil-free and water-free, there are vegetables and staple foods, sugar rises slowly, delicious and nutritious, no meat, you can eat during the fat reduction period!


Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice

1. Prepare ingredients.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

2. The North Pure Dago rice is washed and cleaned and put in a rice cooker to make rice.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

3. Choose the harder tomatoes and cut the top.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

4. Dig out the flesh, don't throw it away, use it for a while.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

5. When the multi-grain rice is ready, stir well and add to the tomatoes.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

6. Steam for 6 minutes after steaming on high fire.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

7. Pour the dug out tomato flesh into the wok.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

8. Add 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of water starch, and stir-fry until the soup thickens.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

9. Pour the tomato soup on the steamed tomatoes and garnish with a little coriander or chopped green onion.

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe

10. Beichun multi-grain rice, multi-layer taste, every bite is nutritious

Stuffed Tomatoes with Multigrain Rice recipe


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