Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup

by Xiancao'er

5.0 (1)




1h 30m



Suckling pigeon, I like stew, it tastes delicious. The squab is fat, meaty, and thick in fat. When tidying up, patiently cut off all the fat, soaked kelp, and sucked some fat to make it more delicious.


Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup

1. Get ready for the pigeon, clean it up and set aside.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

2. Soak the dried kelp and wash it off.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

3. Cut the kelp into small pieces for later use.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

4. Put the pigeon in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of cold water, and boil on high heat.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

5. Skim the foam.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

6. Pour in sliced ginger and simmer for 20 minutes.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

7. Pour in the kelp and simmer for 30 minutes.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

8. Add the right amount of salt.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

9. Add white pepper.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe

10. Adjust the flavor and pour it into a bowl before serving.

Suckling Pigeon Seaweed Soup recipe


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