Sukiyaki Duck

Sukiyaki Duck

by Heart Song Journey

5.0 (1)







This is a vegetarian dish. The golden skin looks like the skin of a roast duck, so it is named "Vegetarian Roast Duck".
The first time I dated him alone, he even invited me to eat at a better restaurant in our county, when he hadn't worked yet, and I was very moved by the foodie. At that time, the material was quite scarce and meat dishes could not be eaten often. What impressed him most was that he actually ordered a roast duck. It was so extravagant to be able to eat roast duck at that time. I am a person who takes food as his happiness. He can make me eat roast duck happily when he has no money or work. In addition to being moved, he later married him.
We are all entering middle age, and our bodies are slowly getting blessed, so we eat meat and vegetables together every day, for our health and to satisfy our taste. This time I made a sukiyaki duck to commemorate the life of our roast duck. "


Sukiyaki Duck

1. Prepare the ingredients, soak the fungus and shiitake mushrooms in advance

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

2. Cut potatoes, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, and carrots into shreds

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

3. Heat the pan with cold oil, add minced garlic and saute until fragrant

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

4. Add sliced potato shreds, fungus shreds, carrot shreds, shiitake mushroom shreds and stir fry together

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

5. Stir-fry until six mature, add a small amount of salt, light soy sauce, and pepper, stir well and set aside

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

6. Let the fried stuffing cool, add the tofu lining, add the fried stuffing, fold it up on both sides, and then roll it up into a tofu roll

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

7. Put the tofu rolls in a steamer and steam for 5 minutes after the water is boiled

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

8. Put oil in a non-stick pan, steam the tofu rolls, and fry them until golden on both sides

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

9. Use very fresh soy sauce, dark soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, oyster sauce, water starch, chili oil to make a juice

Sukiyaki Duck recipe

10. Pour in the fried tofu rolls, collect the dried juice over high heat, and then cut into pieces

Sukiyaki Duck recipe


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