Taro Chicken

Taro Chicken

by Sanshengchuan Chili Shop

4.7 (1)







The taro and chicken are so delicious that I don’t want to go after a bite or two. Speaking of taro chicken, Chengdu roadside shops usually use hot pot bottoms to make it. Today, the teacher uses Mapo tofu sauce to make it. The taste is the same and delicious. I believe it will capture the hearts of a large number of customers. "

Taro Chicken

1. Chopped kimchi; old ginger, finely chopped green onion; sliced garlic.

Taro Chicken recipe

2. Remove the bones of the chicken and cut into pieces, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, stir well and marinate for a while.

Taro Chicken recipe

3. Wash the taro, cut into pieces, cook in a pot and remove.

Taro Chicken recipe

4. Heat oil in the pan; add chicken and stir-fry, add appropriate amount of light soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, and start the pan.

Taro Chicken recipe

5. In a separate oil pan, add minced ginger, garlic slices, chopped green onion, dried chili, and Sanshengchuan farm pepper to fry until fragrant, and then add kimchi and fry until fragrant.

Taro Chicken recipe

6. Add the Sansei Chuan Mapo Tofu Sauce and stir-fry until it is fragrant, then add the chicken and stir-fry evenly.

Taro Chicken recipe

7. Spread the fried chicken on the bottom of the pot, pour in clean water, the amount of water is less than the chicken, and turn to medium heat.

Taro Chicken recipe

8. After the chicken is cooked, add taro and collect the juice.

Taro Chicken recipe


As Chengdu’s favorite side dish for cooking dishes, taro is my part! The taro chicken made with Mapo tofu sauce and peasant peppers tastes as gluttonous as the grandma’s home made in memory. The taro at the bottom is raked and raked in a bite, soft and glutinous.


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