Tender Beef Burrito

Tender Beef Burrito

by Yuanyuan Happy Kitchen

5.0 (1)







The recipe is very good, and the taste is delicious. If you use Liren electric baking pan, it is more convenient and quick. In the morning, roll a roll with a cup of hot soy milk or milk, so satisfying!
Beef is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B family, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cholesterol and other ingredients. It has the effects of strengthening muscles and bones, nourishing deficiency and nourishing blood, resolving phlegm and extinguishing wind, and can also improve the body's disease resistance.

Tender Beef Burrito

1. Cut the beef into strips first. The beef can be better cut into strips after being slightly frozen. Beef can choose the upper brain, tenderloin and other parts, do not choose the part with many tendons.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

2. Add salt, ginger, cooking wine, black pepper, tomato sauce, corn starch, sugar and other ingredients to the cut beef.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

3. Grab the beef evenly with your hands, and marinate the beef for a while.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

4. Add salt and water to the flour and knead it into a dough. The water absorption of different flours is different. Please adjust the amount of water according to the actual situation to make the dough very soft. After kneading the dough, place the dough on the chopping board and continue to knead for 5 minutes, so that its surface becomes smooth and elastic. The kneaded dough is kneaded into long strips and cut into 8 equal parts.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

5. Round the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes (cover the surface with plastic wrap or a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out). Spread a layer of vegetable oil on the chopping board to prevent sticking, put a small loose dough on it, flatten it, and roll it out with a rolling pin. Apply a layer of vegetable oil on the surface of the rolled dough sheet.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

6. Roll out another small dough next to it to the same size, cover it on the greased dough, and stack it up. Roll out the stacked double-layer dough sheet together to make it big and thin.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

7. Brush a layer of vegetable oil on the non-stick pan (use a silicone brush instead of a brush)

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

8. Put the rolled noodles into the pot, slowly braze them until golden on both sides, and then come out of the pot.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

9. Pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into the pot. Add the beef and stir-fry until the beef changes color, then it will be out of the pan, and put on the dinner plate for later use.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe

10. Spread a piece of lettuce leaf on the pancake, spread the right amount of beef strips, put the chili, and wrap it into the shape you like.

Tender Beef Burrito recipe


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