Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings

by Plum 9734

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The tender lotus root is crispy and juicy, rich in sweetness and rich in trace elements.


Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings

1. Mix the dough with cold water to form a dough and proof it.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

2. Wash the green onion and ginger and cut into fines. Dice the pork and put it in a basin.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

3. Add salt, light soy sauce, peanut oil, sesame oil, thirteen spices, and eggs, stir well, and marinate.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

4. Wash tender lotus root and peel it.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

5. Chopped.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

6. Put it in the meat pot.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

7. Stir well and set aside.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

8. Knead the proofed dough into long strips and cut them into ingredients.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

9. Roll the agent into dough.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

10. Wrap stuffing into dumplings.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe

11. Put water in the pot to boil, add the dumplings, stir in one direction from the bottom to the bottom to prevent the dumplings from sticking to the bottom of the pot, cook until the dumplings are cooked thoroughly, and put them out of the pot.

Tender Lotus Root Pork Dumplings recipe


1. Before the dumplings are put into the pot, put a little salt in the water to prevent the dumplings from sticking.
2. When eating, dip garlic vinegar for better taste.


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