Tofu Clips

Tofu Clips

by Dadan loves to eat

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Tofu clips, I used to make tofu at home. Everyone in my family likes tofu. The tofu produced in this way has a crispy outer skin, and the meat filling is added to make it even more fragrant. Those who like strong flavors can try it.
Reprinted tofu health tips:
Tofu is rich in nutrients, contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements necessary for the human body. It also contains sugar, vegetable oil and rich high-quality protein. It is known as "plant meat". The digestion and absorption rate of tofu is more than 95%. Two small pieces of tofu can meet a person's daily calcium requirement. Tofu is a food for replenishing heat and clearing away heat. If eaten regularly, it can nourish the middle and nourish qi, clear away heat and moisturize dryness, promote body fluids and quench thirst, and cleanse the intestines and stomach. It is more suitable for people who have heat constitution, bad breath, thirst, unclear stomach, and those who are nursing after fever. Modern medicine has confirmed that in addition to the functions of increasing nutrition, helping digestion, and increasing appetite, tofu is also beneficial to the growth and development of teeth and bones. It can increase the iron content in the blood in the hematopoietic function; tofu does not contain cholesterol and is high blood pressure. , High blood lipids, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, and coronary heart disease. It is also a good food supplement for children, the sick and the elderly. Tofu is rich in phytoestrogens, which has a good effect on preventing and treating osteoporosis. It also has the function of inhibiting breast cancer, prostate cancer and blood cancer. The sterols and stigmasterol in tofu are all effective ingredients for suppressing cancer. "


Tofu Clips

1. Cut the tofu into thin slices. I cut into triangles, but I can cut as much as I like.

Tofu Clips recipe

2. Cut the pork into minced meat, stir in chopped green onion, ginger, salt, chicken essence, pepper powder, and dark soy sauce.

Tofu Clips recipe

3. Cut carrots into small cubes.

Tofu Clips recipe

4. Dice the onion.

Tofu Clips recipe

5. Cut the red pepper into round slices.

Tofu Clips recipe

6. Shred green onion and ginger.

Tofu Clips recipe

7. Beat the eggs into egg liquid.

Tofu Clips recipe

8. Put meat filling on a piece of tofu, and then add a piece of tofu to form a tofu clip.

Tofu Clips recipe

9. Dip the tofu with cornstarch.

Tofu Clips recipe

10. Dip with egg liquid

Tofu Clips recipe

11. Put oil in the pot, add tofu tongs and deep fry to make golden brown. After all of them are fried, put them in the pot and fry them again, and then put them on the plate.

Tofu Clips recipe

12. Add oil to the wok, sauté the chives and ginger.

Tofu Clips recipe

13. Pour in diced carrots, peas, diced onions, and red peppers and stir fry, then season with salt, chicken essence, and sesame oil. Finally, thicken the thick gorgon, and pour it on the tofu tongs.

Tofu Clips recipe


1 Tofu is best to choose old tofu, otherwise it will easily spread when stuffing and frying.

2 When tofu is sandwiched with cornstarch and egg liquid, it must be covered on each side, especially on the three sides.

3 Must have tofu clip nowadays when the oil temperature is very high

4 When frying tofu tongs, remember to also deep fry three sides


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