Tofu Crucian Carp Soup

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup

by You Ma Food

4.7 (1)







Recently, my family members have been repeatedly troubled by the dry weather, catching colds and coughing frequently, and suddenly remembered this crucian carp soup, which is moisturizing, appetizing and nutritious. Crucian carp has a very high medicinal value, its nature is flat and sweet, it enters the stomach and kidneys, and has the effects of harmonizing the deficiency, removing qi, warming the stomach and invigorating. It has a good nourishing and therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach weakness, edema, ulcers, bronchitis, asthma, and diabetes. Regular consumption can supplement nutrition and enhance disease resistance. Patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other diseases can also eat it regularly to supplement nutrition and enhance disease resistance.
In addition to the main ingredient crucian carp, this soup is also paired with nourishing and moisturizing water tofu and water radish. In order to increase the slightly sour taste and achieve appetizing effect, half of the tomatoes are cut and boiled, although because of the addition of tomatoes, The color of the soup is not so white, but the taste is absolutely good.


Tofu Crucian Carp Soup

1. The crucian carp is slaughtered and cleaned inside and out. The outside is scraped from the tail with a knife several times to remove the silt parasites attached to the outside, and the black film is removed from the belly, so that the crucian will basically have no smell of soil.

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

2. Heat the frying pan, add vegetable oil, and then add ginger

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

3. Add the crucian carp and fry it on both sides

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

4. Add enough boiled water at a time, surpass the crucian, add salt, cover and cook for 10 minutes

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

5. Cut the tofu, tomatoes into small cubes, slice radish, and cut green onions into long pieces

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

6. After the crucian carp is boiled for 10 minutes, the soup is thick and white. Add water tofu and sliced radish and cook for 3 minutes.

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

7. Add tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe

8. Before starting the pan, grind a proper amount of pepper into it to further remove the freshness and remove the smell, and finally put the onion into the plate.

Tofu Crucian Carp Soup recipe


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