White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings

by meggy dancing apple

4.6 (1)







After the beginning of autumn, it will be cold sooner or later, a small breeze makes it easy to catch a cold, and around noon it is as hot as midsummer. In addition to adding or reducing clothes appropriately, you should also eat foods that prevent autumn dryness, especially white foods such as white radishes, lilies, and pears.

It’s better to eat dumplings after the beginning of autumn. Those who eat leek and pork are better to eat this stuffing-beef and white radish. Beef has low fat content. White radish is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and protein. It can prevent autumn dryness when eaten raw and has an appetizing and aspirating effect when eaten cooked. Beef stewed radish is a classic dish, and it’s not bad to make dumplings with these two together.

Beef tenderloin was originally used for frying, but my skill in frying steak is still not good. Instead of eating half-baked roasted tenderloin, it is better to make dumplings. Although 70 yuan a pound is a bit of "overcapacity", but it is finally used to its fullest. No loss!

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings

1. All-purpose flour and fine corn flour are mixed evenly at a ratio of 2:1; corn flour needs to be sieved before use. In addition, corn flour is not gluten, so don't put too much, the highest ratio with wheat flour is 1:1;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

2. Pour in cold water at room temperature gradually, stir it into a flocculent shape, and then knead it into a smoother dough; when the temperature is hot and the room temperature is high, the dough should not be kneaded too soft, because after at least 30 minutes of cooking, the dough will become moist and at the same time. Get softer

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

3. Beef tenderloin, large white radish and green onions are ready; for dumplings, it’s best to use fat and lean beef thighs. Pure lean meat will be too firewood, so you need to put more vegetable oil in the back. If you bring your own fat, you can put less or no vegetable oil. Up

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

4. Cut the beef tenderloin into pieces and place them in a meat grinder;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

5. Whipped into delicate meat;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

6. Cut the green onions into sections and beat them into chopped green onions with a meat grinder;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

7. Put beef and chopped green onions in the same bowl. Because the beef is too lean, add more vegetable oil, and sprinkle appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, and soy sauce according to the taste, seasoning and color mixing;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

8. Stir vigorously in one direction to allow the beef to fully absorb the light soy sauce and soy sauce; let it sit aside for a while to fully taste;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

9. Cut the white radish into pieces and beat them into coarse pieces with a meat grinder;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

10. Turnips do not need to kill water, pour them into the meat filling together with the soup, and stir evenly in one direction, so that all the radish juice is incorporated into the beef, no nutrition is lost, and the meat tastes tender; the mixed fillings can be stored in the refrigerator Refrigerate for a while, which is more conducive to filling;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

11. Put the Huhao dough on the chopping board, knead it into slender strips, cut into uniform size, flatten it, and roll it into a round skin with a thicker middle and a thinner edge;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

12. Put an appropriate amount of filling on the round crust;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

13. Press your own methods or pinch or squeeze into dumplings;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

14. Dumplings are placed on the cover curtain along with the package, forming a circle, which is also the "reunion and roundness" in traditional Chinese culture;

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe

15. Put the dumplings into the boiling water pot, and use a spoon to push the water along the side of the pot to turn it around to prevent the dumplings from sinking to the bottom. When the dumplings are all "swollen", use a strainer to scoop them into the plate.

White Radish Beef Multigrain Dumplings recipe


1. Putting the right amount of miscellaneous grains and coarse grains in the dumplings can also increase the nutrient intake, but the coarse grains and miscellaneous grains must be sieved to be well integrated with the flour, and the taste is not hard to eat, and at the same time, pay attention to the proportion;
2. Beef dumplings should choose lean meat with fat, which tastes oily. Beef tenderloin is actually more suitable for steak, or it is sliced and fried, grilled or fried;
3. There is no need to fetch water or a small amount of water in the meat, and the radish will not kill the water, so that the nutrients in the radish juice will not be lost, and it can also increase the moisture of the beef filling.


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