Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup

by Home and everything

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Lamb chops are rich in protein, and contain a variety of vitamins and various trace elements. The fat content in lamb chops is very small. Female friends who love beauty do not have to worry about getting fat after eating lamb chops. Lamb chops are warm food. Eating lamb chops in winter can increase the body's calories and help the body resist the cold. Lamb chops have a certain effect on the repair of gastrointestinal mucosa. Often eating lamb chops can help digestion in the stomach and intestines, and has anti-aging effects. Lamb chops have good therapeutic effects on tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, anemia and other diseases. Lamb chops also have the effect of invigorating the kidney and strengthening yang. Men with insufficient qi and blood, and kidney deficiency and yang deficiency can be adjusted by eating lamb chops.


Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup

1. Fresh lamb chops should be soaked in clean water for an hour to remove blood.

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

2. Clean the lamb chops, rinse and set aside

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

3. Boil water in a pot, add lamb chops to blanch water to remove impurities and pour a little cooking wine to remove mutton

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

4. Put the sliced ginger, pepper and star anise in the seasoning box

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

5. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the lamb chops and the seasoning box, and cook over high heat

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

6. Fresh winter melon ready to be peeled and cut into pieces

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

7. Cut winter melon into chunks for later use

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

8. Chopped green onion and coriander and set aside

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

9. Cook the lamb chops into half-cooked, add the winter melon chunks and cook for 15 minutes.

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

10. Put the chopped green onion and coriander in a bowl, put the winter melon lamb chop soup in a bowl and boil the chopped green onion and coriander so that the taste is more delicious

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

11. Add seasoning salt, black pepper, vinegar, and MSG to taste evenly and enjoy

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

12. A bowl of fragrant rice is a standard meal

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

13. Winter melon lamb chop soup is convenient and quick to make, very suitable for office workers

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

14. The taste of lamb chops is fragrant and mixed with the fragrant winter melon. The taste is very good

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe

15. The nutritional value of lamb chops and wax gourd are very rich. Regular consumption is good for the body.

Winter Melon Lamb Chop Soup recipe


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