Zhusheng Pigeon Soup

Zhusheng Pigeon Soup

by Nago-Na Kitchen

4.6 (1)







The bamboo fungus is also known as the bamboo fungus! It can invigorate qi and nourish yin, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear away heat and promote dampness; treat lung deficiency-heat cough, laryngitis, dysentery, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and other diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pigeon meat has the functions of nourishing the liver and strengthening the kidney, nourishing qi and blood, clearing away heat and detoxification, and promoting body fluid and quenching thirst. This soup is great to drink this weather!


Zhusheng Pigeon Soup

1. Let’s take a group photo...Haha\n①The pigeons are cleaned and set aside\n②Astragalus, Polygonatum odoratum, red dates, wolfberry, longan meat are cleaned and set aside\n③The bamboo fungus is soaked in salt water for 20 minutes, and then rinsed with running water

Zhusheng Pigeon Soup recipe

2. The pigeon water is boiled and boiled for 5 minutes to remove it, and the blood foam is washed away with water\nThe pigeon soup cooked in this way will not be too greasy!

Zhusheng Pigeon Soup recipe

3. The pigeon is stewed in the pot with the soup (don’t put the bamboo fungus first.)\nThe host uses Supor stew, set for two hours

Zhusheng Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Put in the bamboo fungus when simmering for 1.5 hours! Continue to simmer for half an hour.

Zhusheng Pigeon Soup recipe

5. Just add a little salt before starting the pot

Zhusheng Pigeon Soup recipe


Cut off the cap (closed end) of the bamboo fungus, remove the flower part of the bamboo fungus (the mesh part, where the flowers are where the fragrance of the fungus is concentrated), and only keep the stem, otherwise it will have a strange smell. \nThose with deficiency of spleen and stomach should eat with caution! \nThe bamboo fungus in the finished picture looks a bit yellow, it is stained by soup!


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