Assorted Fried Rice

Assorted Fried Rice

by Jamie 4882738

4.6 (1)







When I was young, I liked my mother to cook a lot of rice so that I could eat egg fried rice the next day. Later, I went to a restaurant and ate Yangzhou fried rice. I wondered how the rice can be cooked so delicious! Now I have a fusion of the taste in my memory and the taste that I played.


Assorted Fried Rice

1. Cut carrots and sausages into cubes; soak in yellow wine to get rid of fishy, green beans set aside

Assorted Fried Rice recipe

2. Chopped green onion and minced garlic

Assorted Fried Rice recipe

3. Beat the egg liquid, add 2 spoons of water

Assorted Fried Rice recipe

4. The oil temperature is 100 degrees, and the egg liquid is poured into the pot and stir-fried a few times to quickly serve. Stir the green beans with the remaining oil in the pot for 2 minutes, then pour the carrots and stir-fry together for about 3 minutes

Assorted Fried Rice recipe

5. Add the rice, stir-fry the rice and mix well with other ingredients

Assorted Fried Rice recipe

6. Add 1 spoon of light soy sauce, a little salt and continue to stir fry

Assorted Fried Rice recipe

7. Sprinkle chopped green onion at the end and stir the minced garlic out of the pot

Assorted Fried Rice recipe


1 Add a little water to the egg liquid to make the eggs more tender. 2 The rice is best overnight, so the rice is chewy. 3 Green beans fried in oil are more fragrant than fried in blanched water, and not beyy. 4 Oil is the best It’s corn oil or sunflower oil so that the fried rice won’t feel particularly greasy


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