Barbecue White Fish

Barbecue White Fish

by Gluttonous

4.6 (1)







White fish is a freshwater fish. It is a common fish at low altitudes and likes to live in groups in the upper layers of water bodies such as streams, lakes and reservoirs. It mainly feeds on algae, but also higher plant debris, crustaceans and aquatic insects. Strong fecundity and adaptability. White striped fish meat is rich in vitamins, which can nourish and invigorate the stomach, relieve swelling, clear away heat and detoxify.
Fish meat has shorter muscle fibers, loose protein structure, and more water content. Therefore, the meat is more tender, and compared with poultry and livestock meat, it tastes softer and easier to digest and absorb. "


Barbecue White Fish

1. Remove the scales and internal organs of the white fish, and wash it.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

2. Make a few even strokes on the back of the fish to make it easy to pickle and taste.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

3. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking wine. Sprinkle a little salt evenly, spread evenly on both sides, and marinate for 20 minutes.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

4. Blending with barbecue ingredients: take appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chili powder, cumin, and sesame seeds, mix well and serve.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

5. Heat the pan with cool oil, moisten the pan with oil, add the marinated white fish, and fry.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

6. After frying until one side is set, turn it over and fry again. Sprinkle the grilling ingredients evenly on the surface of the fish.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

7. After the other side is fried, put it out of the pan and place it on the plate, turning the side that has been sprinkled with barbecue ingredients down.

Barbecue White Fish recipe

8. Sprinkle the remaining barbecue ingredients evenly on top. It can be served after embellishment.

Barbecue White Fish recipe


1. Fry in a non-stick pan, it is easy to succeed.
2. If you don't have a non-stick pan, use a pan, moisten the pan thoroughly with oil, or rub it with ginger slices.


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