Braised Black Fish

Braised Black Fish

by gary

5.0 (1)








Braised Black Fish

1. Fresh black fish slaughtered clean

Braised Black Fish recipe

2. Remove the head and tail (make soup) and reserve the fish body

Braised Black Fish recipe

3. Cut the fish into pieces, cut the celery, ginger and garlic into pieces and set aside

Braised Black Fish recipe

4. Heat the oil in the pan, add the fish pieces, and fry the skin side first to prevent sticking to the pan

Braised Black Fish recipe

5. Fry until golden brown with ginger and garlic

Braised Black Fish recipe

6. Cover the pot with a proper amount of boiling water for 5 minutes, add proper amount of vinegar, add salt and cook until delicious

Braised Black Fish recipe

7. Add some celery and stir fry

Braised Black Fish recipe

8. Add the soy sauce and cook until it tastes good, then it can be out of the pot

Braised Black Fish recipe


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