Braised Noodles with Beans

Braised Noodles with Beans

by ã‚›Insomniac

4.6 (1)







An artifact with both meals, defeats the lazy cancer of the weekend.


Braised Noodles with Beans

1. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into pieces with a hob, remove the tendons of the beans, break into small pieces, and slice the pork belly.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe

2. Pour vegetable oil in a hot pan, add sliced ginger and fry to taste, fry pork belly and beans, 1-2 minutes later, pour in dark soy sauce, and color evenly.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe

3. Add enough water at one time to avoid adding water halfway to affect the taste, and add star anise. After the high heat is boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe

4. Add the potatoes to the pot, add the five-spice powder, salt and chicken powder, stir evenly, turn to a low heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe

5. Put the soup in the pot into a small bowl and set aside.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe

6. Shake the noodles and spread them evenly on top of the vegetables, then continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes over medium-low heat. Halfway through, pour the soup that came out in advance on the noodles evenly. Note: Do not let the noodles stick to the inside of the pot, otherwise the noodles will be stuck.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe

7. Turn the noodles carefully before serving. You can add a little broth before eating to taste better.

Braised Noodles with Beans recipe


1. I didn't add too many dark soy sauce and light soy sauce, so the color looks a little light, friends who like the taste of soy sauce can add a little more.
2. I used new potatoes from spring, which are very easy to cook, so I added potatoes later. If the potatoes are not easy to cook, they can be stir-fried and stewed together with the beans.
3. It is better to add more water than to stew potatoes with beans, because you need to pour out some of the soup and add it midway. Prevent the upper surface from being light in color and tasteless.


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