Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings

by seiseizhang

4.8 (1)







There are always some ingredients left in the house that are scattered, and I will eliminate them today (^_^)v"


Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings

1. Thaw chicken breasts and carrots in advance, wash and remove the roots and skins, wash the mushrooms and stalks, wash the asparagus, and soak the black fungus.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

2. Slice carrots and mushrooms, and cut asparagus into sections.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

3. Use vegetable ingredients for all the prepared fillings, put them in a blender and break them up.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

4. Cut the thawed chicken breast into large pieces.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

5. The chicken pieces are also put into the blender and beaten into mashed meat.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

6. Stir the broken ingredients with an egg, salt, light soy sauce, MSG, sugar, pepper powder, and black pepper.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

7. Weigh the required wheat flour or dumpling flour, add salt and mix well. Add another egg, add water several times, and observe the softness and hardness of the dough while stirring. After kneading into a smooth dough, cover it with a slightly damp cloth and put it in an airtight space and let it stand for 40 minutes.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

8. Knead the awake dough into even long strips (because the dough is relatively large, so I knead it in 4 small dough pieces), and cut into uniform size agents.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

9. Sprinkle dry powder on the agent, squeeze it with the palm of your hand, and use a rolling pin to roll it into a round dumpling wrapper with a thick middle and thin edges.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

10. Put an appropriate amount of the adjusted dumpling filling into the dumpling wrapper and wrap it tightly.

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

11. Boil a pot of water, add salt after the water is boiled (to prevent the dumpling skin from breaking), and then add raw dumplings to cook. Because it is meat dumplings, add water twice (after boiling once, add a bowl of cold water and repeat this twice).

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe

12. After taking out the cooked dumplings, it is delicious with the spicy sauce~~ Then there is a bowl of dumpling soup, which is dripping hot~~(^-^)

Chicken and Asparagus Dumplings recipe


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