Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms

by Qianmen Fengzhu

4.8 (1)







Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms

1. Soak the dried hazel mushrooms in cold water for 6 hours and remove them. Let the water used for soaking hazel mushrooms stand for a while, and take the upper layer of liquid for later use.

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

2. Chop the chicken legs into pieces. Whole chickens can also be used, depending on the individual.

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

3. Sliced green onion and ginger

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

4. Drumsticks in a pot under cold water, put some green onions and ginger, cooking wine, boil on high heat

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

5. Soaking vermicelli

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

6. After boiling, take out the chicken thighs, wash and drain for later use

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

7. Heat the pan with cold oil, add sliced green onion and ginger, fry until browned, then remove

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

8. Stir-fry the sugar color with the oil of fried green onion and ginger, wait until the rock sugar turns into amber color, and put the chicken drumsticks on it.

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

9. After the chicken drumsticks are in the pan, stir fry a few times, add thirteen incense, and continue to stir

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

10. Put hazel mushrooms. Add cooking wine and soy sauce and continue to stir fry.

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe

11. Put the vermicelli, add the hazel mushroom water until the ingredients are gone, add appropriate amount of salt, boil on high heat, simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, stir fry a few times during this period to prevent the vermicelli from being cooked.

Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms recipe


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