Cold Chicken Breast

Cold Chicken Breast

by Fresh Love

5.0 (1)







Chicken breast must be an indispensable dish in the menu of friends who are losing weight and fitness.
Low fat and high protein,
An essential artifact for reducing fat and increasing muscle.
The point is,
It's still! should! what!


Cold Chicken Breast

1. Wash the chicken breasts and soak them in water for half an hour

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

2. Pour out the soaked water and use it. Pour clean water into the pot, add a spoonful of cooking wine, a few peppers and a few slices of ginger, boil the chicken breasts for about 10 minutes.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

3. Grind the spices while cooking the meat. Put the coarse chili powder, a dozen peppercorns and a little white sesame seeds into a grinding bowl and grind them to fully release their fragrance.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

4. Chop the scallion and ginger garlic into fines, and cut the Chaotian pepper into circles for later use.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

5. Pick up the cooked chicken breasts, rinse them in cold water, and soak them in ice water for a while.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

6. Drain the soaked chicken breast and tear it into small strips.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

7. Put a little oil in a small pot, heat it on a low heat, add a dozen peppercorns and fry until fragrant. After the pepper turns slightly dark, pour the oil into the ground chili powder mixture to form a bowl of spicy red oil.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

8. Add green onion, ginger, garlic and chili rings in the red oil, then add sugar, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, small fresh couple and appropriate amount of drinking water.

Cold Chicken Breast recipe

9. Shred the cucumber, put it on the chicken breast, and drizzle the sauce on it. Let it sit for ten minutes and wait for the flavor to taste. ~Of course, you can keep it in the refrigerator for a longer time, the chicken breast will be more delicious and delicious!

Cold Chicken Breast recipe


of course,
Eat this plate of chicken breasts,
With some wine,
Don't even think about losing weight.


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