Crispy Scallion Pancakes

Crispy Scallion Pancakes

by w Green water lotus pond y

4.8 (1)







For office workers, they would rather rely on a few more beds than get up early, I believe there are still many people. Today I will bring you a quick breakfast for a few minutes.

Crispy Scallion Pancakes

1. Put the flour in a basin and stir while flushing with freshly boiling water to form a flocculent. Then add cold water and continue to stir until there is no dry powder, set aside and cool until it is not hot

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

2. Knead into a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 20 minutes

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

3. Take 50 grams of scallion oil, 10 grams of flour, and a little bit of thirteen spices

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

4. Mix evenly into a paste

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

5. Divide the awake dough into 7 equal parts

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

6. Take a small dough and roll it out

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

7. Scallion paste

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

8. Sprinkle with chopped green onions

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

9. Roll up

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

10. And then turn into a circle from the inside out

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

11. Press and roll out with your hands

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

12. Take a layer of plastic wrap and place a pie embryo on the top and reserve a little longer film around it, then fold the plastic wrap back and place a pie embryo, and make all the pie embryos in turn

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

13. Finally, cover with a layer of plastic wrap and pinch it around to avoid airflow and pour dry skin. Put it in the refrigerator and freeze it, it's convenient to eat and take

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

14. Hot pan oil

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

15. Put in the dough

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

16. Fry until golden on both sides

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe

17. Chop it twice with chopsticks before out of the pan to make the layer of pie come out and make it more crispy

Crispy Scallion Pancakes recipe


Frozen cakes can be used directly for frying without thawing, which is very convenient.


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