Egg Dumplings

Egg Dumplings

by Wen Xiaojingyi

5.0 (1)







When I was young, my mother would definitely cook a dish for Chinese New Year. Why don’t you usually do it, probably because of laziness, hahahahaha~
But I really think it's so delicious~

Egg Dumplings

1. Cut the pork into small pieces and chop into meat fillings

Egg Dumplings recipe

2. Put in all the spices

Egg Dumplings recipe

3. Stir well and set aside

Egg Dumplings recipe

4. The material of the egg skin: Knock the egg into the bowl

Egg Dumplings recipe

5. Put vegetable oil

Egg Dumplings recipe

6. Use chopsticks to break up and stir evenly

Egg Dumplings recipe

7. Prepare a small non-stick pan, coat it with oil, and wipe it with a kitchen paper towel

Egg Dumplings recipe

8. Put the egg liquid in the preheated pan

Egg Dumplings recipe

9. Put pork filling on one side of the egg liquid

Egg Dumplings recipe

10. Use chopsticks to lift the egg wrapper on one side and stick it together.

Egg Dumplings recipe

11. The fried egg skin is not fully cooked yet, it needs to be steamed in a steamer

Egg Dumplings recipe

12. Or cook hot pot shabu or noodles to cook together.

Egg Dumplings recipe

13. Finished picture

Egg Dumplings recipe

14. Finished picture

Egg Dumplings recipe


Adjust the seasoning according to your own taste, choose the saltiness yourself


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