Egg Filling

Egg Filling

by Gourmet temptation to greedy cats

4.8 (1)







Egg filling cakes are popular in the streets and alleys. Pour the egg liquid into the half-boiled cakes and continue to fry until cooked. The cakes are crispy, the eggs are delicious, there are eggs, noodles, vegetables, and meat. It is nutritious and convenient. , Loved by people, make it yourself at home, it tastes more assured and healthier! There are many ways to make egg-filled biscuits. Today, the simplest method is used to make egg-filled biscuits. There is no need for pastry and oil leakage. It is delicious and delicious. It is suitable for all ages. "


Egg Filling

1. Wash cucumbers, carrots, green onions, and lettuce. Shred cucumbers, carrots, and oily tofu skins (strips), mince green onions, blanch the carrots, and marinate them with a little salt together with the cucumbers.

Egg Filling recipe

2. Mix the flour with warm water and salt to form a dough, let stand for 20 minutes.

Egg Filling recipe

3. Beat the eggs, add chopped green onions, thirteen spices, and salt, stir well, and set aside.

Egg Filling recipe

4. Knead the dough evenly, divide it into noodles of the same size, roll the dough into bun skins, and make a set of two pieces.

Egg Filling recipe

5. Put a layer of oil in the middle of one of the dough pieces.

Egg Filling recipe

6. Cover with another piece of dough, pinch the sides of the dough tightly, and roll it into a pancake.

Egg Filling recipe

7. Brush a flat-bottomed non-stick pan with a little oil. When it is 50% hot, put in the pancakes, brush the surface of the pan with a layer of oil, and fry on low heat. Turn it over when the bottom is crusted.

Egg Filling recipe

8. Bake until bulging in the middle of the cake.

Egg Filling recipe

9. Use chopsticks to lift the bulging crust.

Egg Filling recipe

10. Hold the hole with chopsticks in one hand, and slowly pour the beaten egg liquid into the hole with a spoon or a measuring cup (a container with a smaller diameter is better).

Egg Filling recipe

11. Fry until the egg liquid is solidified and the crust is golden on both sides.

Egg Filling recipe

12. Spread soybean paste (or sweet noodle paste), add lettuce, cucumber, carrot, and oily tofu skin.

Egg Filling recipe

13. Just roll it up.

Egg Filling recipe

14. Appreciation of the finished picture.

Egg Filling recipe


1. Knead the dough with warm water and wake up for a period of time to make the cake soft and tough.
2. When pouring the egg liquid, control the amount of egg liquid according to the size of the cake. The egg liquid can cover the inner layer of the cake.
3. You can add various seasonal vegetables and meats such as ham, pickles, and sauce to the prepared cakes according to your taste.


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