Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables

by Big N's Kitchen

4.7 (1)







When I was a student, I liked the fried noodles at the entrance of the school. The thick soy sauce, wrapped in sausage and belly greens, plus a poached egg, seemed to be a luxurious lunch when I was a child.
The biggest feature of this type of fried noodles is that the soy sauce is relatively strong and slightly sweet. It is the favorite flavor of fried noodles in Nanjing.
The only regret today is that there is no thick noodles at home, so I can only use thicker noodles instead. Therefore, it is recommended that if you have the conditions, it is better to use thicker noodles. As for the silver noodles, it is easy to become a lump, and it is best not to use it for fried noodles.
Seasonal vegetables are actually some seasonal vegetables, added according to your preference. "


Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables

1. For two people today, two sausages are enough. I used Cantonese-style sausages. I personally like the slight sweetness. Of course, you can also replace them with shredded meat according to your preference. Bacon or even bacon is fine.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

2. The noodles are boiled until they are ripe and over water. Then drain the water (in fact, it is best to mix some oil after the water is drained, spread it on a fence or something, and blow dry for a while, so that the noodles will evaporate and make the noodles more tenacious and fry)

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

3. Cut fresh vegetables. This time I used Western lettuce, cabbage, green cabbage and whatever you like.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

4. Put the shallots in the pan and fry them slowly for 5-10 minutes, then turn the garlic into the high heat.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

5. Then turn to high heat and sauté the garlic.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

6. Then put in the sausage, and cut the sausage as thinly as possible so that the carrots can be placed on the sides.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

7. Stir-fry the carrots in the pan, then add a little steamed fish soy sauce, and stir-fry for a little bit of flavor.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

8. Then add the noodles and add 2-3 spoons of soy sauce.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe

9. Finally, add the vegetables and stir fry until they taste good.

Fried Noodles with Sausage and Seasonal Vegetables recipe


1. Soy sauce and dark soy sauce are not the same thing, soy soy sauce is used for coloring. Soy sauce I bought is a claypot soy sauce from a Kum Kee, which tastes good. Basically, you don’t need to add soy sauce too much
2. Put the soy sauce along the side of the wok, or push the noodles aside, pour the soy sauce directly on the bottom of the wok, and then stir fry, so that the soy sauce can borrow some gas from the wok, and it is better than just pour it on the noodles and fry it out.
3. Stirring the shallots on a small fire before is because there is some scallion oil in the oil. If you find it troublesome, just saute the shallots and garlic on high heat.


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