Homemade Pork Sausage

Homemade Pork Sausage

by meggy dancing apple

4.7 (1)







It's winter, and it's a good time to make your own sausage. It’s best to choose fat and lean meat with a ratio of 37 or 46, because lean meat lacks oil and will be dry and hard. With the addition of fat, the sausage will taste soft and hard, and taste good. Moisturizing again.
The casing used is more convenient to salt, so it can be soaked in clean water for about 10 minutes before use. Take as much casing as you need, and do not soak it in clean water all at once. The casings soaked in clean water should not be kept for too long. Take it out as you use it, the salted casings won't break when stored in the refrigerator for a year.
The tools used for enema can be special or self-made from a beverage bottle. A small stick with the thickness of a thumb is more conducive to filling the meat into the casing.
When enema, prepare a long sewing needle or sharp toothpick to release a large amount of gas generated during the enema process. After filling it all, you can divide it into even sections with a small rope, tie it up, find a sturdier shelf to hang the enema, and place it in a shaded and ventilated place to air-dry or dry in the shade. When the skin is wrinkled and the middle becomes hard, you can cover it with a bag and continue to hang it there. If the ventilation effect is good, it can be eaten within 10 days and a half months.
Remove the sausage, cut the desired amount, rinse the surface with clean water, put it on a deep, larger plate, steam it on the pot, let it cool, pour out the excess soup, slice it and eat it, cool or hot. "


Homemade Pork Sausage

1. Cut the pork into cubes about 1 cm in size

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

2. Put all the seasonings and stir evenly with your hands. The seasoning can be adjusted according to your own taste. If you like spicy food, you can also add chili powder and mix well.

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

3. Take an appropriate amount of salted casings and estimate roughly based on the amount of meat to be filled

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

4. Soak in clean water for 10 minutes, and pour the casing mouth into the faucet, which not only has a cleaning effect, but also makes the enema smoother after a while

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

5. Prepare the enema tool. My home uses a special small horn, but the inlet is too small, so I used a mineral water bottle to cover the outside, and put the casing on the long mouth of the horn. Do not tie the mouth first. After the pork is poured in, the air will be discharged. , Then tie the mouth

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

6. All intestines have been enemas. Needle or thin toothpicks can be used to release excess air during the filling process.

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

7. Fasten it in sections with a small rope, hang it in a cool and ventilated place, wait until the skin becomes wrinkled, the inside becomes hard, and the color becomes darker.

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

8. Prepare the sausages according to the amount of food. After cleaning them, put them in the steamer. After boiling the water, steam them for about 40 minutes. Use larger or darker dishes first, because during the steaming process, there will be soup

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

9. For the steamed sausage, pour out the excess soup on the plate, slice it, and eat it evenly when eaten hot or cold. It is also good to eat directly or make pot rice or fried rice!

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe

10. The homemade sausage is clean and hygienic, without so many spices and additives, it is very convenient to eat and take. In addition, the New Year is almost here, do more, and carry a few kilograms when you visit relatives and friends, it is also a good gift!

Homemade Pork Sausage recipe


The seasoning ratio used is only a reference, please adjust it according to your own taste! The display here is just a production instruction, I want to share the fun of making homemade sausages with everyone.


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