Mushu Meat

Mushu Meat

by Food editor

4.6 (1)







A bowl of Mushu meat at the dinner table, everyone in the family enjoyed it!


Mushu Meat

1. Cut the pork into slices and put them in a bowl

Mushu Meat recipe

2. Put pepper, salt, starch, and cooking wine in the pork in turn, stir well, and marinate for three minutes

Mushu Meat recipe

3. Then mix the seasoning juice, put salt, starch, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce and water in the bowl in turn, stir well

Mushu Meat recipe

4. The two eggs are beaten into egg liquid, then fried and cooked, set aside for later use

Mushu Meat recipe

5. Continue to pour the pork and stir-fry and serve on a plate for later use

Mushu Meat recipe

6. Then put oil, spring onion, ginger, fungus and day lily in the pot and stir fry

Mushu Meat recipe

7. Finally, pour in cucumber, fried eggs and pork, add seasoning sauce, and stir-fry to get out of the pot.

Mushu Meat recipe


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